Monday, November 30, 2015

Watch for this Tutorial Notice by the end of this week :)

Your student has been invited to math tutorials, two days each week. Tutorials will offer help on homework and practice on topics we have or are currently covering in class. Homework is important because it helps students make the most of their experience in school. Homework is given because it is useful in reinforcing what has been learned in class, extends and generalizes concepts, provides practice time, teaches responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits. Students are expected to show up on time and prepared for tutorials. 
Student:  ______________________________              
Tutorial Days:  Boys 5th or 8th period Mon/Tues—Girls 5th or 8th period Wed/Thurs (however, students may attend on either set of days when they need help)
Why Tutorials: 1. Absent? Come find out what you missed! 2. Not Passing due to low grades    3. Need to make corrections? 4. You don’t get IT!!  (IXL will be used in most cases)
You can keep up with your student’s attendance through Class DojoJ
Please sign and return that you have read this notice, Thank you.

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