Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Students checked the warm up 54 from class yesterday/homework
We reviewed their partner work over stem and leaf plots and did 5 more problems with a partner.
Students have a Daily Math 1A review (12 problems) this will be a grade. If they did not finish in class it is homework.

Grades are in other than a few late assignments/corrections. I will be adding IXL grades from tutorials by Friday. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

We reviewed the Dot Plot assignment/partners from Monday. We discussed what the data means. Today students will review Stem and Leaf Plots. They have a page that says Reteach that has the examples and  notes needed. The back side of this I worked 1,3,and discussed 5 with them. Then students worked in partners to do 2,4, and finish 5.
The warm up 53 was reviewed in class and 54 is to do on their own.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Dot Plots

On Friday, we began discussing dot plots as a type of graph to display data. I will place a link of a dot plot that we watched in class today for review. Students worked on Lesson 4 homework practice in class together with my modeling today. The back they worked on with a partner until the end of class. When the bell rang the rest of the assignment became homework. I will place a photo of what we did together as well as a video link.
Describing the data is something we did orally in class and will do so in class tomorrow on the Extra Practice Side. Class 6/7 needs to write a statement on the EP side of their assignment.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Statistical Questions

If a question has one answer it is NOT a statistical questions.
A question with multiple answers is a statistical question.

Quantitative is Numerical ( number answer) on the y-axis and is dependent
Qualitative is Categorical (word answer) on the x-axis and is independent

Students picked a question that fit in one of these categories and are to ask 20 people before returning to class tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The video link takes you to study jams home page. Click on Data analysis

data Mean, Median, Mode range, Graphs

Link to videos that will help students.
Wednesday we reviewed Mean (Average) and discussed Median, Mode, and Range. Students practiced how to find these with me and with a partner. The Page Lesson 2 Homework Practice is homework if not finished in class. Even when your students say they finished the paper, please ask to see that it is complete and any mistakes that stand out to you. If you don't know how to do the math ask your student to show you how:) Teaching is the best way to retain knowledge!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lots to catch up on....

Since the semester exam we have covered the following concepts:
Ratio Tables
Comparing Ratios
Fraction to Percent
Percent of a Number
Whole given Percent
Today we began Mean, Median, Mode, Range and will move to graphs and what does it all mean.

Students should be keeping an assignment log with their grades. This lets them know what they are making in my class. They also know that if any grade is below a 70 that they are allowed to correct the paper and must show the correct work for the answer that was given in class.

Some students have been assigned tutorials based on the semester exam or overall average. Students may attend even if they were not assigned but they may not miss more than 2 days of PE or any other elective (band,music). They may work on corrections/assignments during recess but it is a short amount of time.

Please help me help your students by checking to see if they completed the assignment that is due the next day.Today is Lesson 1 Hwk Practice chapter 10 over Mean.

Thank you!