Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Finishing Geometry test, working on improper fractions, and NEED sharpies for activity "stained glass" on Friday! Early Release on Friday!!  Merry Chirstmas:)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Grade Sheet and Rest of the Week Update

Below 70 = Corrections
1.        Triangle Test

2.       Warm Up 14 or 15
 Integers and Computation

3.       9-5 Practice (360’)
1-6, 9 Quadrilateral Angles

4.       9-6 Xtra Practice
A=bh Parallelograms

5.          Warm up 16
FDP and Expression/Equation

6.       Parallelogram Hwk
L6-did you write the steps

7.       IXL Volume
BB36 Geometry

8.       Warm Up 17 (hwk)

9.       IXL BB8 Triangles

10.   IXL BB9 Classify Quadrilaterals

11.    IXL BB10 Missing

12.   IXL (5) Z33 Sums of Angles Trianlges/Quads

13.   IXL BB23 Area

14.   IXL BB25 Area between Triangles

15.   IXL BB26 Area between Rectangles

16.   IXL BB28 Compare Area and Perimeter

TEST ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK!! Students have been reviewing skills on IXL to prepare. We will study properties some on the next TWO days but they are not on the test. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hour of Code Today! Quadrilateral Test next Tuesday!!

I just did the #HourOfCode - check it out! @codeorg

Finishing up Quadrilaterals! Hour of Code today!! Test next Tuesday- on
 Quadrilaterals, 360', A=bh, Volume=Bh, Properties-will cover( later this week).

Friday, December 4, 2015

Students have been studying Quadrilaterals this week. Students are now required to keep a list of grades. We are also working in IXL.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Watch for this Tutorial Notice by the end of this week :)

Your student has been invited to math tutorials, two days each week. Tutorials will offer help on homework and practice on topics we have or are currently covering in class. Homework is important because it helps students make the most of their experience in school. Homework is given because it is useful in reinforcing what has been learned in class, extends and generalizes concepts, provides practice time, teaches responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits. Students are expected to show up on time and prepared for tutorials. 
Student:  ______________________________              
Tutorial Days:  Boys 5th or 8th period Mon/Tues—Girls 5th or 8th period Wed/Thurs (however, students may attend on either set of days when they need help)
Why Tutorials: 1. Absent? Come find out what you missed! 2. Not Passing due to low grades    3. Need to make corrections? 4. You don’t get IT!!  (IXL will be used in most cases)
You can keep up with your student’s attendance through Class DojoJ
Please sign and return that you have read this notice, Thank you.

Classify Quads

Classify Quadrilaterals

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Nov. 20, 2015

REPORT CARD TODAY! Tutorials begin after break.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tutorials will be casual the next 3 weeks between holiday breaks. Your child will receive a notification the week we return if they are expected to attend weekly. Students that are not passing math class will be notified to attend.  I will also look at the last two benchmark grades for notifications as well.
Absent-come see what you missed
Corrections-this is a time I can help you
Not passing-mandatory
Zeroes-mandatory until made up

Schedule for Tutorials (students can always see me at recess or ask to come on a different day)
Monday-Boys 5th period or 8th period
Tuesday- """"""""""""
Wednesday-Girls 5th or 8th period
Thursday-    """""""""

5th and 8th period catches a lot of student from PE or Music but they may only miss two days. If they do not have a class I can pull from 5th or 8th they are asked to come in during PE time but I will have a class and they will need to be self-motivated and work in IXL independently.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Triangle Test Thursday

Students need to review notes and practice problems from their journal or papers we have completed in class.
Classify types of triangles by Angles and Sides
Find a missing angle: <a+<b+<c=180 degrees
Angle Side relationships= largest angle opposite largest side; smallest angle opposite smallest side
Three lengths make a triangle:
Area of a triangle: A=1/2 BH

Friday, November 13, 2015

Parent/Student Friendly 6th Teks-What students need to be able to do :)

What students need to be able to do at the end of 6th Grade

Happy Friday! End of the Six Weeks- Monday starts 3rd six weeks!
Area of Triangles , Oh my!!
Area=1/2 base*height
We practiced together in class and this page will go in their journal as an example page.
They have 4 steps:
Write the formula
plug in numbers for the variables (letters)
write the answer with units labeled and squared

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Verteran's Day

The Daily Math Page is due tomorrow, complete and for a grade.
The 6/7 class was able to play a game to determine if 3 lengths make a triangle.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

More Triangles

Angle & Sides-Triangles
Largest angle is always opposite to the longest side.
Smallest angle is always opposite to the shortest side.

Triangle Inequality Theroem
For any triangle, the sum of any two sides must be greater than the length of the third side.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Test Thursday-get review signed!!

Students need to have their review for the test  Thursday signed and should study anything they had trouble answering.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Classifying triangles by sides and angles. Please  see the video above.
To find the missing angle in a Triangle:
add the angles you know and subtract that sum from 180.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Writing Algebraic Expressions
Writing Expressions Video
*Finish the back of writing expressions
*Finish Absolute Value Review
* Tangled Table addition of integers

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Progress Reports Were sent home today!!

Combine like terms together, no homework on this.
Algebraic Expressions: turn phrases into mathematical sentences (numbers and symbols)

Students are aware of their grades and have had opportunities to correct any grades lower than 70. Some have chosen not to and it shows. I have shared my expectations with them and I hope you will let them know what you expect as well.  Congrats to all those doing well! Math will serve you well in the future!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015


Notes are below the Assignment! The assignment has 22 problems and I did half with each class but not the same problems with each class. Students need to complete for homework if not finished in class.

Friday, October 16, 2015


Thursday students learned to multiply fractions.  They just multiply numerator by numerator and denominator by denominator. Then simplify in lowest terms. We also discussed that if you multiply by a fraction less than 1 your amount decreases. If you multiply by a whole number greater than 1 the amount increases.

Today, students are dividing fractions. Multiplicative Inverse- Keep the first fraction, change the operation to multiplication, and flip the second fraction (reciprocal).

PLEASE REMEMBER, QUIZ REDO ON INTEGERS! Due Monday or the grade they had sticks.
Thank you!

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12/13

Some students needed to finish the assignment from Friday so our lesson was on multiplying decimals. Students tore pages our of their workbook that has examples. I also showed a tutorial and worked a few with them. Most classes have page 109 to finish.

Tuesday we will be dividing decimals. They will have pages out of the book again that include examples of how to work the problems.

Wednesday---Early Release Day! 6th Grade Rally is at 9:30 a.m. We will use this time as "catch-up" for the students that I see in class.

Thank you!

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Thursday, we learned to multiply and divide integers.


Review notes and examples! You will receive 4 grades tomorrow:
Adding Integers
Subtracting Integers
Mult/Divide Integers
Mixed Operations Quiz

Mean is in the quiz with Integers. 5th Grade skill. Mean=Average
Add all of the numbers and divide by how many numbers you added!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015

When will I ever need what I learn in school?


Honestly, you may never end up using this again in life.
Almost all the math that most people need in life, they learn before they get to Algebra. But one thing you need to understand is that we don’t study upper-level math because we will be using it every day.

You don’t study World War II or the Civil War because you will grow up and be in a war. You
study the reasons people go to war, and the outcomes of war, to learn how to prevent war.

You learn how to diagram a sentence in English so that you have a better grasp of proper writing skills.

Will you ever dissect a frog again? Probably not, but you do it in school to have a better
understanding of the muscular, respiratory, and circulatory systems and how they work. By
understanding how they work in a frog, you understand how they work in a human.

You study math to learn how to think. Being able to think through problems and decide on solutions to the problem is what you learn from math. We use math because we are able to get immediate feedback to determine if our thought process was correct (did you solve the problem correctly?). We continue to study higher levels of math to challenge our thinking and to become more efficient problem solvers.

Will you ever use this again in life? I don’t know, and you don’t either. Who knows what you will do when you graduate from college, but why limit your options?

One thing is guaranteed: You will have to solve problems your entire life. Not necessarily math
problems, but life problems. Some will be simple and some will be difficult.
You may already be prepared to handle simple ones, but my goal is to prepare you for the harder problems you will face in life. I hope to teach you the thinking skills you will need to approach those problems with confidence and solve them.

Now go back to your desk and learn to think.

(Taken from the Star-Telegram, December 24, 2002, Michael Yelvington, Grapevine HS)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Absolute Value

The rest of this week will be concentrated on Integers: opposites, absolute value, and comparing rational numbers.  I have not included notes at this time because the students have a packet with notes and we do everything together except the 10 homework problems and the mad minute fact practice. We will create notes at the end of what we need to remember. Next week we will move on to adding and subtracting with positive and negative numbers then multiply and divide with positive and negative.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Learning about Integers and words that indicate positive and negative numbers. Very easy classwork/homework. Some students need to redo or do the back of the candy corn fraction, decimal, percent page. Please know that if your child says "I don't get it" that is not accurate. We take notes and do many, many examples before I send something home. Thank you!
Students had a front and back page and a page very much like the one for class/homework that we did together today on Integers.
Warm-ups are on Purple paper for this week and they should have Monday completed, some did not today when we checked it. Tuesday should be done as well.  They also have a Starfish color Fraction, Decimal, Percent page since last Friday that is due this Friday.

Monday, September 28, 2015

sweet conversions quiz

Students have a fraction, decimal, percent paper that has a front and back. This is a quiz but they can use notes in journal and I went over this again in class with them. We spent a couple of days last week on how to do this and they are not looking at their notes or the board to process the steps. Please make sure they complete the quiz and feel free to help them with the steps.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

FDP, Fraction, Decimal, Percent

We took notes on converting Fractions, to Decimals, to Percent, to Fractions today. We worked the front of the chart together, 15 examples, and students need to finish the back of the chart. Any problems not finished are homework. They are struggling but I let them know they needed to work the examples WITH me so they would understand what to do. This is NOT on our test Friday.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Test on Friday

Test Friday! Order of Operations, Prime Factorization, Exponents, Classify rational, integers, and whole numbers. Look over your journal and the examples.
If students bring home a paper they did not finish, I made a mistake in reading #11a- it was combined tax of $3 for the cds.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

GEMDAS-Order of Operations

Students have notes over the order of operations and a two pages of "pizza slice" steps of order of operations that we did together. Students need to solve one step at a time and bring down the problem until they have the answer.  Students had a set of problems to finish in class and it was homework if they did not finish. Some may also have a Prime Factorization Quiz they did not finish in class.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Prime Factorization Graded Page

Continued practicing prime factorization today. This is a review from 5th but the exponent form is new. The students had a page the 2nd part of class with a Horse Riddle, it is a Grade and if  not finished by the bell it is homework.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Prime Factorization

Students took notes on using Factor Trees for Prime Factorization and learning to write the Prime Factors with Exponents. They had 12 practice problems and it is homework if they did not finish by the bell.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Happy Friday!

Prime Time Color Page is a grade if they did not finish in class it is homework.
Progress Reports next week!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Exponents and Review of Rational Numbers

Warm Up today was bonus race on classifying rational numbers. Then we took notes over Exponents, did some practice/examples, and they need to finish A-49 and the Bonus Race if they did not in class.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Classifying Rational Numbers

Students learned to classify numbers as rational, integers, or whole numbers. Multiplication Fact Practice is homework.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Division Review

Division Review. If your child receives help from the Inclusion Teacher they did a different assignment today. Division Decoder Page for all other students are not to do the riddle just concentrate on the work and lining up numbers. Math 1/2 Did odd number. Math 3/4 did 1-10, 12,14,16,18. Math 6/7 will do all 18 problems.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

We practiced our multiplication skills today! If they did not finish by the bell it became homework. Students need to show their work and it should be in their math folder finished or not.  We also reviewed divisibility rules by using the school phone number to determine divisibility. This was practice and is also in their folder.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Mon-review of +/-
Tues-review of Multiplying 3 digits
Wed-review of Division, place value, decimals, with zero
Thurs 6.2A classify whole number, rational numbers, integers
Fri continue 6.2A

If you did not know or do the homework from Friday, please ask your child and complete the assignment. Divisibility Rules Video if you need extra help!

Tonight, they should finish A-29 if they did not in class. It is a grade:)

Friday, August 28, 2015

Happy Friday! Students practiced their divisibility skills with SNOW in August. They will explain what they did as they TEACH you the skills they learned this week. Yes, they are teaching you. The first picture is what they did in class. They are going to use their rules, today's example, and teach you. You have a chart with 6 numbers to fill in for divisibility. Then your student/child will check YOUR work. Please sign the bottom of the page and they will receive a grade on their teaching skills. This will help each student gain a better understanding of the divisibility rules by teaching them to you and a chance to do discuss what they learned.  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Friendly Advice Divisibility Class/Homework

We reviewed divisibility rules today. I did a few problems with all classes and gave them two options on how to complete the assignment (across or down). They may use rules and multiplication chart for help.  The classes worked with partners during class and should be nearly finished if they chose wisely:) Math 1/2 had to complete 15. Math 3/4 and 6/7 need to complete the page.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 26th

We have started working on Divisibility Rules! Knowing these and practicing them will make things we do so much easier.